Due to a high traversing speed and EAGLE POWER JUMP it remains dynamic in complex workpieces, while it is designed for efficient machining in the making of large moulds. Despite the different machining capabilities the GANTRY EAGLE 1200 operates with full precision at an impressive speed. The EAGLE POWERTEC generator adapts to the constantly changing gap conditions. Each pulse always has the maximum removal rate with minimum wear.High removal rates are achieved even with small undersizes and the imaging accuracy is increased. High quality process monitoring ensures the best gap conditions even with increased stock removal. The drastically reduced wear keeps the edges sharp and the geometry intact. This reduces time, electrodes and overall costs.
Carl-Benz-Straße 38 | D-57299 Burbach
Phone: +49 (0) 2736 29 88 33-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2736 29 88 33-9